There are three elements that must be present in order to prevent the international bankers from getting what they want. In order to defeat what is going on, a nation must:

1) A nation MUST manufacture their own ‘currency’- and that includes physical and financial ‘money’.

This can be done by utilizing a country’s assets, like technical assets, along with having a population that is willing and able to work hard.

Technical capacity + work from it’s citizens

2) Nationalism- pride in one’s country. Patriotism.

Confidence in one’s nation’s product and the capability of it’s people

3) Religion (see below)

A common belief in a Creator
These three things alone prevent the international cartels/bankers from executing their plan. In case you haven’t noticed, it is these three things that have been under constant attack. As long as those three things stand, there is no way that they can complete their plan.

Religion has been particularly attacked. The huge push for atheism has been unprecedented. Even IF it was ever ‘proved’ that there was no ‘God’, that does NOT mean there was no Creator. The goal of these controllers is to have us deny ‘God’, and adopt what they will later replace that with- which will be an entity of their choosing. People have a desire to believe in something, and you can bet this will not be overlooked.

So even if your inclination is to steer clear of organized religion, it is important to realize something created this incredible home we inhabit. Believing in a Creator does not necessarily mean that we need to attach human-like qualities to whatever created all this. Just having the belief that there is a creator is enough.

Keeping pride in oneself, one’s community, and one’s country is just as critical when opposing forces that wish to homogenize every nation. Each nation is unique, and each has specific qualities that endear us to them. It is important to maintain this patriotism because as long as we maintain our national pride, it makes it harder for them to convince us that giving up those attachments is worthwhile. Why would we all want to be the same? Variety of products and cultures is what makes each country interesting and vibrant. Our individual uniqueness is what makes us special.

Each country has it’s own assets and each country is comprised of people who have, for the most part, worked their tush off. When this combination is used as a method of ‘commerce’, a country remains strong. Make no mistake- it is easy to fall into the trap of ‘freebies’ when the chips are down. This is exactly what the international bankers hope your choice will be. “Come get the free corn!” SLAM!! You are now caged, and whether you get fed or not is no longer your decision. Therefore, it is much easier to invest in yourself, create a business/product/service that services a need, and you are from ever getting trapped by the ‘free’ corn. We have at our disposal a multitude of assets- especially our skills at innovations. There is no excuse for being tempted by the free corn. It is a known trap. We must avoid it at all costs.

It is also important- CRITICALLY important- that we become the masters of our own ‘money’. This can be easily done by each State creating it’s own money, and through the bartering of goods and services. If we are no longer using the international bankers fiat money/loans, we are free of their tentacles. As States, united in a Republic, we have the option of creating our own ‘currency’, and there is nothing that the Federal Reserve, nor the government on a federal level can do about it. We can always make each States currency accepted with each other State, and we can refuse to accept any fiat money issued from the Federal Reserve Bank.

This can all be done without the use of arms, and it assures that these controllers cannot realize their dream of global control. WE can be the cog in the wheel of their plan, and still carry on our business without endangering ourselves.

Again, the three critical points necessary to stop their mad plan are:

1) Manufacture our own currency. This can be a system of technical assets/capacity + the hard work of the citizenry. It does not have to be in the form we’ve been using. It can be a reliance on our assets + our labor.

2) Nationalism/ patriotism Pride in our nation and the abilities/products of it’s people

3) Religion- belief in a creator. Religion does not have to be organized nor orthodox- as long as there is a belief in something greater than oneself a creator.
With these three critical factors, we can avoid being played. We can avoid having those who wish to control corral us into their homogenized fold, which is designed to feed off of us while being a serious detriment to us.