Looks like NYC is headed into the war zone…

NYC leans left, however are they prepared to cope with the ‘civil unrest’ that certain people are working hard to make happen there?

From an email I was sent:
“If you’ve been watching news broadcasts of the demonstrations in New York City, you undoubtedly saw plenty of footage of protesters carrying signs. These signs were not hand printed, and all the words are spelled correctly, so who furnished them?

Well, on the bottom of the signs is the name of the sponsor: revcom.us.
protests in NYC 2014
So, if you’re at all curious, just click right here on http://www.revcom.us/ and see who provided the spiffy signs these aggrieved citizens are holding up. It’ll only take a second”.

We’ve got revcom.us giving the protest signs to the folks – trying to incite more ‘racial’ riots in NYC, among other places.

Here’s what revcom.us is about:


and we’ve got the infamous NYC mayor, and his illustrious past; here’s an article on him I received:

“An interesting article on NYC’s Mayor. Another “unknown politician” (like BHO) rises to the top and turns the government into chaos.

Subject: Mayor of NYC

It’s quite possible he would have won the election even if his past would have been completely known. He was always a left wing agitator and that was well known in New York City. Apparently, they got what they wanted.

The year was 1988. The Oakland A’s went to the World Series, Ronald Reagan completed his final year in office, and a young Bill DeBlasio traveled to Central America to learn firsthand the anarchist tactics of Che Guevara.

young DeBlasio-college yearbk pic
College Yearbook Photo

At the time in Nicaragua, the infamous Sandinista revolution was in full swing and Marxist soldiers were intent on spreading their socialist ideals. The Sandinistas deployed the same tactics as Che Guevara and looked to communist dictators such as Fidel Castro as their role models.

It was in this climate in Central America that DeBlasio cut his teeth as a professional agitator and political activist.

During his time in Nicaragua, DeBlasio helped to supply Marxist guerrilla soldiers with money, clothing and medical supplies in order to help them continue fighting on the front lines.

DeBlasio would have you believe he was there as a humanitarian simply distributing food and medicine but lest one be fooled, the liberal New York Times has even printed that “a review of hundreds of pages of records and more than two dozen interviews suggest his time as a young activist was more influential in shaping his ideology than previously known, and far more political than typical humanitarian work.”

DeBlasio in Central America 1980
DeBlasio upon arriving in Central America, 1980 (Photo Credit:limpinhoecheiroso.com)

Simply put, DeBlasio’s “communist organizing” in a foreign country makes Barack Obama’s “community organizing” look like mere child’s play.

After standing shoulder-to-shoulder with socialist Sandinistas in Nicaragua, DeBlasio returned to the Washington, D.C. area where he worked for an organization called the Quixote Center and continued to send food, money and supplies back to Nicaragua.

It was here in Washington, D.C. that DeBlasio participated in rallies in support of the Marxist (socialist) movement and was arrested – twice – for supporting countries which the United States called “tyrannical and communist.”

After wearing out his welcome in the nation’s capital, DeBlasio moved to New York where he fundraised for the Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York City. It was there that the New York Times reported DeBlasio rubbed elbows and “worked alongside peace activists, Democrats, Marxists, and anarchists.”

DeBlasio was a bona fide Marxist sympathizer.

So, why does his political past matter?

A politician’s past political activism matters because it’s the best measure of how a person would govern if ever elected to office. Only when you know where a politician has been can you determine where he is going in the future.

It matters because principles don’t merely sit on a shelf; principles can be “weaponized” in the form of candidates and public policy measures.

Once a politician is sworn into office, he gives life to those principles as public policies by which the rest of us are required to live.

That is the situation now facing New York City.

DeBlasio’s principles wouldn’t have mattered to the rest of the world, had he not chosen to follow Saul Alinsky’s infamous advice: “True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits, and infiltrate the system from within.”

Nearly twenty-five years after he rolled up his sleeves and landed in Nicaragua to help the socialists, DeBlasio finally put on a suit jacket and became New York City‘s mayor.

Now, the largest city in the U.S. is being led by a far-left-wing Democratic Socialist and professionally-trained anarchist.

However, Mayor DeBlasio is not entirely to blame for his ascension.

Republicans in New York attempted to warn the electorate. Joe Lhota, a colleague of former Mayor Rudy Giuliania and DeBlasio’s Republican challenger in the 2012 elections, called out DeBlasio’s socialist past during the campaign, but it fell on deaf ears.

When the media finally reported DeBlasio’s history in the final few weeks of the Mayor’s race it was too little, too late. He had already ascended to become the golden child of the tony, midtown Manhattan press corps who are so left of center, they’ve nearly dropped into the Hudson River. DeBlasio was so far ahead in the polls, he was unstoppable.

However, it’s too simple an explanation to blame the mainstream media.

Voters also failed phenomenally.

We as voters have a responsibility to vet candidates, too.

Rather than excuse a candidate’s extreme political activism with the wave of a hand as the “indiscretions of one’s youth,” we must be astute enough to determine precisely how that activism translates at home. (This will become all the more relevant as we enter into the 2016 Presidential contest.)

In Mayor DeBlasio’s case, his ties to an anti-American, socialist Sandinista movement should have disqualified him from the office.

After all, he fought against so-called “imperial” authorities such as the United States should have alarmed voters to deduce that DeBlasio has little regard for U.S. norms and laws – and probably even less regard for those who choose to make law enforcement a career.

And so it was last week that DeBlasio’s remarks about the NYPD incited angry mobs to take to the streets against law enforcement in midtown Manhattan, atop the Brooklyn Bridge and on a street that fateful night in Brooklyn.

As tensions flare in New York City, it should come as no surprise that the flames of discord have been fanned by a Mayor trained in anarchist rhetoric.

DeBlasio’s history as a political agitator who stood for all things anti-American, combined with the deadly events in New York over the weekend, are proof that the past does matter. His time aiding and abetting Marxist rebels in Central America should have informed voters on how he would govern and potentially turn New York City into a war zone.

For his apparent role in inciting a gunman to execute two NYPD officers, DeBlasio undoubtedly has blood on his hands; but frankly, so do any voters who knew of his dangerous past and propelled him into office anyway.

The Police are turning their backs on him because their intelligence has him in their sight picture .But, apparently, as the MIT Professor said , “voters are too stupid to make the right choice”. ”

People don’t seem to be aware of everything going on- thinking this communist stuff isn’t affecting us all here in America.

Infiltrating unions- especially labor unions- is one of their more successful endeavors.

Pay particular attention to the year 1848 on this record:


“Marx, Ritter, and Nietzsche were all funded and under the instruction of the Rothschild’s. The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger factions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other, and particularly, to destroy all political and religious institutions. The same plan put forward by Weishaupt in 1776.”

and then there’s THIS jewel:


read all the way through- it will give you an idea of the ultimate plan…
Quoted from this site:
“Q: Is communism Jewish?

A: Of course! Karl Marx, Moses Mordechai Levi, who had a couple of grandfathers that were Jewish, he was the one who created it, along with Engels. He was another nice Jewish boy. And we implemented it and got that started in Russia. It was the great bill of goods to sell to masses.

We tell them: hey, you are here at the bottom. How would you like to be equal, everybody be equal? They thought they were gonna come up, but we brought the rich ones down to their level and we took all the money, and we run it, and they are all a bunch of schleppers.

And we make the shekels, and we are the masters of the world, and all the goyim are just human cattle. ”

It is particularly interesting that the people who want to form an ‘equal’ society don’t realize this whole thing has been a set-up from the beginning by the money controllers all along- in order to get two factions fighting amongst themselves, and ultimately destroy themselves- on both sides.

‘Communists’ don’t see they’ve been set up by the Rothschild group. They are essentially working for the Rothschild’s without even recognizing that the whole Marxist thing was a ploy by the Rothschild’s. The irony is the communists want to end capitalism, yet the creators of communism are the biggest money-grubbers ever, and have been thriving off all of our hard work and sweat for centuries.

Rothschild and company have a particular bent against of the Irish- (maybe the Irish are too smart, and figured out their game!!ha,ha).

John Gatto wrote a book called ‘The Underground History of American Education’ where he exposes what has been going on. In his video- The Ultimate History Lesson- he also exposes all the tragic things done to the Irish, especially those who came to America. Many Irish families were subjected to their doings, and had some (if not all) of their children adopted out by these creeps- in their efforts to tear families apart and make sure they didn’t taint their children with ‘nationalism’. Best way to keep all those Irish working hard was to ‘unencumber’ them from their responsibilities as parents!

We’ve all been duped by these controllers- they only wanted a slave market(who didn’t realize they were groomed as a slave market) to generate $ for them.

They plan on destroying up to 90% of world population(according to a paper by the Rome Club- another Rothschild baby) – through contaminated vaccines, wars, genetically altered foods, etc.- when they are done using us. They only need a small percentage to continue working for them, after all. That’s why they’ve been ‘dumbing down’ the educational system for the past 100 yrs.

Now, doesn’t that make us all feel great- to find out we’ve been exploited by such a small group- who control nearly everything today? These guys and their relations own most of the world’s water rights, most of the huge mega corporations- which we purchase our food and household needs from- They control all the world’s media and they run the world’s governments (although they are not ‘elected’; they do it from the background. Don’t go along with them and they’ll destroy one’s career and/or have them killed). We’re all like a big chess game to them.

Most of our people who came to America moved here so they could make a decent living, and enjoy what this country has to offer- Thousands and thousands have come here in the last few hundred years.

Most assuredly, the left-leaning liberals would want to know they are being lead to slaughter- just like the right-leaning conservatives are- by the same group of thieves.

Learning this information doesn’t make anyone ‘anti’ anything. Facts speak for themselves.

Basically, there’s virtually no difference in the political ‘parties’ of any country- it all has been a set-up all along. Remember the old adage, “Divide and Conquer!”

The best way for people to have the life we all deserve is to become self-reliant. If we are not dependent on these ‘lords of finance’, we break their back. Everyone has a skill they can contribute or teach to others to get us into a position of self-reliance. In America, we have a good Constitution that allows us to change our government any time- and we still have the right to bear arms against any tyrannical government that infiltrates our country. Yes, self-governing is perhaps more difficult, as we are more prone to letting others govern us- but we do have choices.

America is a young country- and evolving. Let’s hope we can make it into what all people need, so we all can have clean water, edible food, comfortable shelter, meaningful work, and people who care. And enough sense to look after ourselves.

This information is being sent so you can share the information- if you are so inclined- with others who have also had the wool pulled over their eyes. The more people are aware, the better they are in a position to make informed choices. If you- or anyone of your acquaintances and friends – have been sucked in and have joined The Party, at least be aware that you’re supporting and working for the Rothschild family – the very same group that you’re against by all who seek a more ‘equal’ life.

Stay safe.